Welcome to issue 97.
This week we use React Profiler, learn best practices for React.js components, combine React with GraphQL, and much more!
Per Harald Borgen’s free React course to learn React.js
Diego Haz gives rules and best practices for creating reliable building blocks with React.
Learn Xamarin
Tamar Twena details the entire process.
Merrick Christensen tells us how to do this.
Abi Noda discusses how to handle errors in React & GraphQL.
Dave Lunny tells us about React Profiler.
Gigi Sayfan connects React with WebSockets.
Shaun Persad uses React, Contentful & Netlify.
Uday Hiwarale uses React Router for lazy loading routes and SplitChunksPlugin for code splitting.
Esteban Herrera compares Radium, Aphrodite, & Emotion.